MOODY QUOTES YOU NEED RIGHT NOW Once you feel unpredictable, you tend to be more vulnerable.Often you do not have words to describe it even with a whole dictionary and most of the time it remains unsaid, unspoken. Here, raindrafts presents you some of the moody quotes collection you need right now. "When I told them my memories one of them cried silently other one hold all the tears giving birth to my story" Meet me at midnight Under the stardust and moonlight I will show all my scars Each one from every wars Yes, I am little pain; slightly in pain Will you still love me? if I am not the same If you can't love me, I wont ask how! I am all pieces honey! you won't break now. "Of all the words I learnt so far LOVE seems to be most easy and difficult at the same time" Each turn I took that night twisting around clenching bed sheet my soul was ripped apart I tried grasping it with a firm hold